PasveerkidZ sinterklaasfeest ’18
PasveerkidZ sinterklaasfeest ’17
Pasveer Presents 2017
Sinterklaas feest 2015 (foto’s: Paula Brouwer)
There NextGEN gallery with ID: 154 does not exist or is empty.
Uitvoering 2015 (foto’s: Aukje de Wit)
There NextGEN gallery with ID: 128 does not exist or is empty.
Overgangers(foto’s: Gerard Drent)
There NextGEN gallery with ID: 112 does not exist or is empty.
Uitvoering PasveerKidZ (foto’s: Chun Ket Thye)
There NextGEN gallery with ID: 83 does not exist or is empty.
Open dagen(foto’s: Gerard Drent)
There NextGEN gallery with ID: 71 does not exist or is empty.
Examen PasveerKidZ
There NextGEN gallery with ID: 52 does not exist or is empty.
Jong Pasveer en de PasveerKidZ flashmob (foto’s: Gerard Drent)
There NextGEN gallery with ID: 49 does not exist or is empty.
Uitvoering PasveerKidZ (foto’s: Feico van Dijk)
There NextGEN gallery with ID: 40 does not exist or is empty.
Pasveer Presents, 22 april 2012
There NextGEN gallery with ID: 20 does not exist or is empty.Pasveer Presents, 9 juli 2011
There NextGEN gallery with ID: 17 does not exist or is empty.PasveerKidZ jaarlijkse uitvoering, 14 mei 2011 (thema “toekomst”)
There NextGEN gallery with ID: 22 does not exist or is empty.Taptoe Leeuwarden, 9 oktober 2010 (jubileumjaar Pasveer)
There NextGEN gallery with ID: 21 does not exist or is empty.